
Cut Plane

The Cut Plane ribbon includes the options related to defining a cut plane and how it should be place in the 3D view.

To get a quick overview of the 3D Viewer to get started, go to 3DViewerOverview (3DViewerOverview).

To see the mouse buttton options and shortcuts used to navigate the 3D view, go to 3DViewerShortcuts (3DViewerShortcuts).



  • Auto Apply Edits - Auto apply edits to the 3D view. When doing a series of edits, it can be faster to turn ‘Auto apply’ off and instead use ‘Apply’ to update the 3D view.
  • Apply Edits - Apply edits to the 3D view. Use this to apply edits when ‘Auto apply’ is turned off. Not all edits can be postponed, and some edits have a separate individually ‘Apply’ button.

Cut Type

Defines the different cut types that determines what will be displayed. Note that the actual display of the cut plane for the selected node is set from the Main ribbon.

  • None - Show all the selected node.
  • Section - Defines a cut plane and only show the selected node in that plane creating a cross section. This option is only available for 3D nodes. 
  • Volume - Defines a cut plane and only show the selected node on one side of the plane creating a volume.

Cut Point

Each cut plane has a center point. This center point can be adjusted through its coordinates or the cut plane can be translated forward or back. 

  • East - Adjust the Easting of the cut plane for the selected node. The value can be entered directly or adjusted incrementally by ‘step’ meters.
  • North - Adjust the Northing of the cut plane for the selected node. The value can be entered directly or adjusted incrementally by ‘step’ meters.
  • Depth - Adjust the Depth of the cut plane for the selected node. The value can be entered directly or adjusted incrementally by ‘step’ meters.
  • Translate Center Point Back - Move the cut plane for the selected node ‘step’ meters in the opposite direction of the normal vector of the cut plane.
  • Translate Center Point Forward - Move the cut plane for the selected node ‘step’ meters in the direction of the normal vector of the cut plane.
  • Step - Set the step length for the incremental adjustment of the center point.


Each cut plane has an orientation. The orientation can either be adjusted through its strike and dip angle, inverted compared to its current orientation or set to one of three predefined orientations.

  • Step - Set the step length for the incremental adjustment of the orientation arrows.
  • Decrease Strike Angle - Decreases the strike angle for the selected node by ‘step’ degrees. The cut plane will rotate around the Z-axis.
  • Increase Strike Angle - Increases the strike angle for the selected node by ‘step’ degrees. The cut plane will rotate around the Z-axis.
  • Decrease Dip Angle - Decreases the dip angle for the selected node by ‘step’ degrees. The dip angle is the inclination of cut plane relative to the XY-plane.
  • Increase Dip Angle - Increases the dip angle for the selected node by ‘step’ degrees. The dip angle is the inclination of cut plane relative to the XY-plane.
  • Inverse Cut - Invert the cut plane for the selected node to instead show the part of the node on the other side of the plane.
  • East-West Cut - Set the cut plane for the selected node to cut in the XZ-plane.
  • North-South Cut - Set the cut plane for the selected node to cut in the YZ-plane.
  • Horizontal Cut - Set the cut plane for the selected node to cut in the XY-plane.