
Report Editor

The report tools consist of a template editor (TemplateEditor) and a report editor. The template editor is used to create workspace independent templates that then can be loaded from the report editor and used with a specific workspace.

Some example templates have been include that can be used by everyone with minimal editing, or can be used for ideas to more personalized templates.

The Report Editor

The report editor window is very similar to the template editor window and consist of a ribbon with a few buttons, a list of elements and a report preview window.

The ribbon buttons include:

  • SaveLoad and Print for the report. Print will look for all available print options including software printers such as PDF writing programs (including Microsoft Print to PDF in Windows 10). 
  • Page updates all the images of the report preview window for the current page. This corresponds to pressing the Redraw button for all profile and color scale elements. All Pages does the same for all pages. If done prior to final print this will simplify the process of getting all images updated.
  • Preview shows or hides the preview to the right. When moving between pages or adding text to a page it will be faster to hide the preview.
  • Previous and Next allow navigation between the different report pages.
  • New and Copy are used to add new report pages to the report. This can be a New empty report page based on the same template, or it can be a Copy of the current report page including any adjustment made to it. Delete is used to delete the current report page.
  • IncreaseDecrease and Reset are used to change the zoom on the report preview window.

The list of elements in the report only show the elements that have report specific options, everything else has already been set in the template editor. The elements retain their element type symbol, but they can no longer be changed. It is still possible to select element and see their extent on the report preview window, but more importantly the preview now include the content as it is read from the workspace.

The available elements include:

  • Map. The map element automatically selects the active workspace map node, if another is to be used, it can be selected with the dropdown. The extent of the map is initially filled with a copy of the workspace GIS map, showing the same layers and centered using the current workspace GIS map center. It is however important to understand that this map is different from a simple image grab of the workspace GIS map. The map is based on the workspace GIS map, but it is not directly linked to it after its creation. The visibility and order of layers can be adjusted on either without affecting the other, but editing the layers on the Workspace GIS map can affect the map. For now it is recommend not to edit layers on the workspace GIS map while having the Report Editor open. For some layer types (quality control point themes) it can cause conflicts. The available adjustments include:
    • The Map Center can either be edited or adjusted directly or set using the Pointer button and clicking on the workspace GIS map.
    • The map can be given a Rotation. This rotates the map clockwise with the given angle. It is highly recommended to include a North Arrow if this feature is used.
    • The Map Scale of the map can be edited directly or chosen with the dropdown. The  button under Map Layers is used to open the Map Layer Control where the visibility and order of the layers can be adjusted. If new layers have been added to the workspace GIS map these can be added to the Map Layer Control using the Reload button under Map Layers next to the  button. If existing layers have been edited on the workspace GIS map, these edits will also affect the report the next time the layers are loaded. Exactly when that happens depend on the layer type, so for now it is recommend not to edit layers on the workspace GIS map while having the Report Editor open.
    • The map can be given axes and grids using the Show Axes and Show Grid checkboxes. These options cannot be used if the map has been given a Rotation. The axis values depend on the used Map Scale. So to get nice looking values it is necessary to use nice looking Map Scale values.
  • Text Box. Only the raw text of the box can be edited here.
  • Profile. The profile element reads the available profiles from the associated map and the profile can then be selected with the dropdown. The button right next to the dropdown is the Redraw button, it cause the section along the profile to be opened and the extent of the profile on the report preview window to be filled. This is done with the given axes setup. The Axis Min/Max Mode options include:
    • As defined on profile where the axis are copied from the profile in the workspace.
    • User defined where the X and Y Min and Max values are used.
    • Fixed scale where the X and Y Min are used together with the X-Axis Scale and the Vertical Exaggeration for the y-axis.
    • The available options can be edited or adjusted directly for the given mode, the others will be grayed out.
  • Color Scale. The color scale element with a map reads the available layers from the associated map and the layer can then be selected with the dropdown. The button right next to the dropdown is the Redraw button, it cause the extent of the color scale on the report preview windows to be filled. The color scale element with a profile does not have any report editor options. Using the Redraw button for the used Profile, will however cause the extent of the color scale on the report preview window to be filled.

The report preview windows is quite close the final report, but it is a preview and it is in some cases possible to see images that are slightly misaligned.