Import USF TEM data


  1. Either go to File --> Import in SPIA and choose import data in USF format and load the data file, or go to the SPIA installation folder and run the USFimporter.exe file.
  2. Browse for the folder where the data is located.
  3. The importer automatically names the .gdb file with the name of the folder. If the USF importer is running from outside SPIA, the user can choose to either overwrite the existing .gdb if exist or append to it. IF the USF importer is running from within SPIA, this option is not available since data will be appended to the open project.
  4. Click import.

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
18 USF_Data.usf admin 2018-01-10 13:22 420.95 Kb 0
17 USF_format_description.pdf admin 2018-01-10 13:22 687.88 Kb 0
16 USF_import_guide.pdf admin 2018-01-10 13:22 228.10 Kb 0